Tag Archives: English

Može li se pomoću memeova učiti gramatika?

Ako vrijeme provodite na društvenim mrežama ili internetu, velika je vjerojatnost da ste naišli na meme (hrv. – mim). Mimovi su duhovite riječi, slike ili video zapisi koji se dijele po cijelom internetu. Mimovi nas mogu nasmijati, ali i naučiti puno o engleskoj gramatici. Mogu demonstrirati stvari poput strukture rečenice i kako interpunkcijske ili pravopisne […]

Why Learn Croatian in Zagreb?

On the face of it, Croatian doesn’t seem like a language that many people need to know how to speak. But whether you’ve got Croatian roots or you need to learn Croatian for business, whether you’re living here or just find the language fascinating, there are lots of reasons to learn Croatian in the beautiful […]

In or On? Tackling Prepositions in English

Prepositions (in, on, at, by, with…) are, along with articles (a, an, the), probably the most frustrating aspect of English vocabulary for most students. One of the reasons may be that these are the words students generally pay less attention to while they are trying to learn new words and memorize a seemingly indefinite number […]

How you say it counts too: Pronunciation in English

In the language learning process most students focus on mastering grammar rules and learning words, while neglecting somewhat the correct pronunciation, thinking it is not crucial for effective communication. Flawless pronunciation has to do with individual aptitude and the age at which one starts learning a language, but it is also a result of hard […]

When teachers and students swap knowledge

Not so long ago parents were generally considered an authority on almost everything. “They are adults, so they must know,” was how children used to see their parents. Well, most of the time, at least. In recent times, with technology evolving so rapidly, parents sometimes struggle to keep up with a myriad of new developments, […]

Small but important words: A, an, the, in, on, and at

A, an, the, in, on, and at are some of the words in English that seem pretty simple and straightforward at first glance, so why is it then that they can literally drive students of English crazy? Teachers will often hear beginner students ask if the teacher can give them a list of rules when […]

The Importance of Grammar in Business Communication

Some people believe that for effective business communication it is not necessary to have a good command of grammar as long as you have an extensive knowledge of technical vocabulary. Let’s take a fairly simple example and see what sort of problems may arise from a lack of grammatical accuracy. Dear Mr Martin, Our shop […]

Choosing Between Business and General English

The choice between business and general English is not always easy for someone who wants to enrol in an English course. Perhaps you are in a situation where you use English for work and already have a fairly good command of the technical vocabulary, but you find it difficult to chit-chat about this and that, […]